If you wish to be married at St Peter’s you should understand that;
You are asking for a Christian marriage. The promises you will make are to be made before God. This is a great commitment.
You are committing yourself to your partner for life. You will accept each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part”. You will make those promises willingly, joyfully, because of your love for each other.
You are saying you wish to receive one of the Christian sacraments – the Sacrament of Marriage.
You are entitled to be married at St Peter’s if you fulfil these conditions;
You have reached the age of 18 (or 16, with your parents‘ consent).
You are not close relations.
One of you must live in the parish OR attend a church service in St Peter’s at least once a month for at least 6 months before the wedding OR you were baptised and/or confirmed in the parish OR you lived in the parish for at least 6 months OR your parents lived or worshipped regularly for at least 6 months (during your lifetime) in St Peter’s OR your parents or grandparents were married in St Peter’s.
After 1 October 2008 new rules apply which will make it easier for couples to get married in the church of their choice.
Couples can choose to get married in:
their local parish church
the parish where one partner was baptised and/or confirmed
a parish where one partner has lived at any time for at least 6 months
parish where one partner has attended worship at any time for at least 6 months
the parish where the parents of one partner lived or worshipped regularly for at least 6 months (during the child’s lifetime)
the parish where one partner’s parents or grandparents were married.