Baptism is the way a person becomes a member of God’s family, the Church. Jesus told his disciples to preach to people of every nation and to baptise them. One of the disciples, Peter, told those who wanted to join the Church, “Repent and be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
People came forward and asked for baptism. They were baptised with water. Then the apostles placed their hands on their heads and thus, we believe, passed to them the gift of God; the Holy Spirit. The people who came and asked to be baptised in this way were, of course, adults. In time people wanted their children to be baptised.
In the Church of England we baptise children and adults. We welcome them all as members of the Church, the Family of God. When adults are baptised they are asked certain questions. In reply they state firmly their belief as Christians.
Baptism of Children
The day when your child is baptised will, We hope, be a very happy one. You will, perhaps, invite your family and friends to join you at the church, and for a party afterwards. It will be a great celebration, a thanksgiving for the birth of your child.
But Baptism is more than a celebration. It is the beginning of your child’s life as a Christian. The time will come when the children will be able to say for themselves that they are Christians. That will be when they are Confirmed.
Applying for a Baptism.
In order to book a Baptism please contact the vicar.
Baptisms will be confirmed after preparation. This is attending church and taking part in our Baptism Basics evening. These evenings usually take place monthly and last around an hour.
Baptisms usually take place in the parish church where you reside.
Your part in the baptism service
In the service parents and godparents make promises before God.
In baptism these children begin their journey in faith. You speak for them today. Will you care for them, and help them to take their place within the life and worship of Christ’s Church?
Will you care for them, pray for them, and walk with them in the way of Jesus Christ?
Answer We will.
In baptism these children begin their journey in faith.
Will you help them to take their place within the life and worship of Christ’s Church?
Answer We will.
The parents and godparents are asked to speak on behalf of the child
We all wander far from God and lose our way:
Christ comes to find us and welcomes us home.
In baptism we respond to his call.
Therefore I ask:
Do you turn away from sin?
Answer I do.
Do you reject evil?
Answer I do.
Do you turn to Christ as Saviour?
Answer I do.
Do you trust in him as Lord?
Answer I do.